Akothee, about to graduate, joyously celebrated with family and friends. The mother of five earned a Business Management degree from Mount Kenya University (MKU), appearing splendidly at the graduation square, poised for success.

Akothee is finally a degree holder.

Triumphant Akothee has thrilled her fans with a celebratory dance alongside fellow graduates at the square.

Mother of five, Akothee, proudly graduates with a Business Management degree from MKU, sharing moments on Instagram. She applauds her achievement.

Today, we witness Esther Akoth Kokeyo's 14-year triumph at MT Kenya University's BBM class of 2023 graduation. This achievement signifies more than academic success; it's a testament to unwavering resilience. Akothee's journey, faced with adversity, embodies the indomitable human spirit. Her graduation is not just a personal victory but an inspiration for all dreamers against the odds. Congratulations, Esther Akoth Kokeyo, on this remarkable feat. Your resilience lights the way for those believing in education's transformative power. Cheers to a well-traveled journey and a future filled with limitless possibilities. Congratulations, Min Oyoo.

Akothee revealed that when she met her now-ex, they moved to the village, and that gave her a conducive environment to study 


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