"We are aware of the necessary steps. This time, we will carry out the implementation by any means  necessary."

President William Ruto has affirmed his commitment to implementing the Housing Levy, emphasizing that he will pursue it regardless of the challenges. Speaking at the second annual Kenya Diaspora Investment Conference at Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) on Wednesday, President Ruto expressed determination to overcome the hurdle of implementation, citing examples of countries like Korea, Singapore, and Malaysia that have successfully executed similar plans.

President Ruto highlighted that the housing project outlined in both the Kenya Kwanza manifesto and Azimio la Umoja's manifesto is the same, with specified levy percentages. He acknowledged that while the vision is clear, the stumbling block lies in the courage needed for implementation.

He admitted that, despite knowing what needs to be done, there has been a lack of collective courage among Kenyans to carry out the plan. President Ruto asserted that, this time, every effort would be made to ensure the implementation of the Housing Levy, addressing the challenges that have hindered progress.

President Ruto's administration has proposed legislative changes to support his ambitious affordable housing initiative, aiming to close loopholes that led to the Housing Levy being invalidated by the High Court. The proposed changes also seek to expand the tax base, requiring contributions from both salaried individuals and those in the informal sector, even at the point of making purchases.

The High Court had previously halted the implementation of the Housing Levy, deeming it discriminatory as it exclusively targeted employed individuals while excluding those in the informal sector. The three-judge bench concluded that the levy lacked a rational explanation and suggested that it was enacted due to the ease of collecting taxes from formal employment.


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